Monday, December 22, 2008

Makan Angin @ Pantai Serasa

Yet another Activity"Makan Angin dPantai Serasa" organized by the TBC. First meeting point was @ Giant's parking lot around 3+pm.
TBC from Bandar

TBC from KB


Cloudy a.k.a Ghosthy got himself a new kits for his ride.
Congratz bro...keep it going =)

TBC arrived @ Pantai Serasa

z13 with his KFC meal

Girlfriend,Soon-to-be wife,Fiance and Wife
"complete eh,nice~"

our entertainment from Coupe173's ride

new member-Faiz joined TBC on that day

Fadilah join in later
(click image to enlarge)

admiring z13's ride
"waa~tubo la" hehe=)

Total of 12 TBCs line-up


Coupes spotted!!!

Girls with coupe

More on
Alex132's blog

Cypawl World


maruleza <3 said...

ai soon to be wife tu eh maam ku ah hahaha :P

maruleza <3 said...

but nway nice shot u got bro kekeke


Any Hyundai owners willing to join our ALL Hyundai club called Hyundai Revolutionary Zone please send ur name, contact no., type of car and picture to

TBC Official No. +673-7144000