To TBC members..everyone knows who is Mr.D.I.Y and this month project is..
How to install side mirrors signals to your Coupe/ Tiburon ..
picture quality is not so good but the least that you can still see it..:)
So we shall start:
1st thing is 1st..Safety..
Make sure to use proper tools for the proper job.
er..i think we just let the picture do the talk..hahaha
carefully check all of the screws bolted to the doors before dismantilng
be sure to disconnect the sockets for the power window and indoor lamp
put aside the door trim away from the work place
in this part,try to pull out the mirror from the inner conner of the cover, u'll see a clip(try to poke with somthing small and sharp like a screwdrive"-"
then unscrew the motor mounting and that is how it looks from inside
then the hard part begins, try to use a special tool(like a pointed nose screwdriver) to takeout the sockets away from the harness,and when its done correctly,take out the old cover and install the new cover and just reverse the way how we open it from the begining.(Always remember to mark the sockets before taking out or it will a hassle remembering where to locate it back)yikes..
this is how the fininsh product look like.aint she's a beauty
a closer look from the side..
after installing on both sides..we discuss and decide to locate the wiring form the tail lamp instead of bleeding the front signal lamp.
there you can see the old side mirror cover, waiting to be box up.
it took us from 3pm-9pm doing this project due to our difficulties in finding the right wiring.
so for live wire is bright yellow
and ground wire is black
and now its ready to be tested...let us see the outcome..

haish..plenty colors all around..what next??
notice the orange side mirror signal lamp from both cars make it more umph..
Goodnees me!! is this a battle or??..nevermind..just enjoy it..:)
we like to thank to Mr.D.I.Y for the time and effort for his elctronic skills and knowledge, and tht is the result.

picture quality is not so good but the least that you can still see it..:)
1st thing is 1st..Safety..
Make sure to use proper tools for the proper job.
er..i think we just let the picture do the talk..hahaha
so for live wire is bright yellow
and ground wire is black
and now its ready to be tested...let us see the outcome..
haish..plenty colors all around..what next??
we like to thank to Mr.D.I.Y for the time and effort for his elctronic skills and knowledge, and tht is the result.
wohoo, welcome2, nice to see its working after 1 and a half year beparam. hehehe
yeap..its sure is.. and i hope we will make some more project till then..bro..thnks 2 u 2..
enanything i can help, just gimme a buzz~
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